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Main Fields of Application for the FPC Connector

Author:danny / time:2018-07-03 / The number of clicks:1899

The complete name of the FPC connector is Flexible Printed Circuit Board. It is literally translated in Chinese as flexible printed circuit board, a PCB made of soft materials. The FPC has extensive uses for simple circuit connection, also known as screen "cable" and for complex circuits such as PDA. The mobile phone’s diverse functions have also led to a wide range of FPC connector applications.

The main field of application for FPC connectors is the mobile phone. A mobile phone contains not only FPC connectors, but also other connectors. Generally, a mobile phone is composed of the following parts: FPC connectors, board-to-board connectors, external connectors, batteries, SIM card connectors and so on. Although the functions of these connectors are different, they are strongly related to one another. Intelligetization and miniaturization are the current trends in the development of mobile phones. The demand for intelligized and miniaturized mobile phones have resulted in the integration of low-height, small pitch, multi-function, good electromagnetic compatibility, standardization and customization features.
FPC connectors are generally used for connecting LCD display screens and drive circuits. Now, products that are 0.5mm and 0.3mm are widely used. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of integrating LCD drivers into LCD components, with related products currently sold in the market. Future FPC connectors may be integrated with other components into the frame of mobile phones or LCD modules.

In addition to the FPC connector is the board-to-board connector. The development trend of board-to-board connectors in mobile phones is similar to that of FPC connectors, which is geared towards a smaller pin pitch and lower height. Currently, the maximum size of board-to-board connectors is 0.4mm. However, due to miniaturization, it is believed that the size will be gradually reduce to 0.35mm, and even smaller without any problem. In addition to size requirements, there is also a need to adjust the height and masking effects. In general, the smaller the drive, the lower the height and the better mask effect.

There is a link between these two connectors which share the same development trend. Given the challenges of diverse markets, both connectors have to adapt and find their niche and direction. The effects may not be felt immediately, but over the years, the FPC connector that responds well to the market can sustain and survive.
