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Fiber connectors bring opportunity to manufacturer

Author:Danny / time:2018-09-11 / The number of clicks:483

The simultaneous growth of the connector business and consumer electronic device business is an unprecedented development. Connectors are usually associated with electrical appliances or wires. However, with the growing trend of fiber transmission, fiber connectors are taking over the market and this brings new opportunities to connector manufacturers, eliminating the dilemma of market saturation.
Fiber connectors were introduced in the 1970s along with the growing fiber optic communication technology. In the 1980s, there was slow progress for connector vendors because it was still the early-stage of product development. In the 1990s, structure and craft benefits were presented with batch production and application. Batch production started on fiber products with limited types available. The 21st century has heralded a new era of fiber connectors. The main connector types include non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber connectors, integrated multi-core connectors, and miniaturized fiber connectors. These connector types have different functions in different fields. Many connector manufacturers have consistently researched on this new type of fiber connector.
The development of a business definitely affects the performance of another business. It may either make the latter succeed or fail. Fiber connectors are promoted by fiber communication. What are the requirements for fiber connectors? First, there is a general rule. The fiber in connectors needs to be the same as the fiber in the system. Some people may ask, how would you know the type of fiber used in the system? Fortunately, there are only a few types of fibers. As long as manufacturers produce the same connector model as the fiber, a mismatch can be avoided. Even though most fibers used in fiber communication are single core, there are some fibers with multi-core cables such as cable TV and Internet data. Therefore, manufacturers have come up with an integrated multi-core connector, which allows multiple cable connections to save space without interfering each other.
However, there will always be new problems that could arise along the way, so connector manufacturers should keep track of innovations and developments to overcome challenges.
